Famous Employment Coach Shares Three Common Job Hunting Myths

There may be some exciting ideas in your mind that you want to use in your job hunt. You might probably have a mistaken notion that these would work even though they are just job hunting myths. Enumerated below are three of the job hunting myths that I have compiled and which you can avoid for you to have a higher chance of getting the job.

1. One of the most common of the job hunting myths and first in our list is the job hunt using internet job boards. You might have another opinion regarding this. However, you need to keep in mind that these internet job ads are only able to help just about 3 percent of job seekers.

Most people seeking for jobs who fall into the trap of searching for jobs using online employment ads and even applying to them. There are also other job seekers you have to compete with in getting the position which lessens your chance of getting employed and heightens your feeling of failure.

2. The second in our job hunting myths list is relying on recruitment agencies to get employed. Yes, they can provide help but you have to think that companies hire them to hire people like you. It is also a fact that recruiters are deeply connected to companies who would hire.

The downside, however, is that you may be able to maximize the fee that is meant for you. This is because what the employer will pay you already includes the fee they will give to the recruitment agency. That means that the salary offered to you by the employer will still be deducted. I am sure that you would agree that you do not want to spend on something that you know you can live without.

3. The third part in our job hunting myths is the idea that only people who are younger can utilize social networking sites to boost their chance of getting employed. This is obviously a myth because as what you would be able to observe right now, there are more people who are middle-aged and on their prime years that are taking advantage of Facebook, MySpace, and other networking sites to hunt for jobs.

If you are one of these older people, do not worry because companies also use these social networking sites to hunt for new employees to train and they often look at the experience and background of the applicants, not the age.

Social networking is basically for everyone, most especially because they are free. Your personal qualifications are already prepared in just one setting so you do not have to alter your CV and credentials time and time again.

Now that you are aware of the job hunting myths that would lead you into unemployment and frustration, you have to arm yourself with the precise processes that work. Note that job hunting is not a simple task but you have to put your mind and body into it for you to get the wanted results.


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